Now let me take Viral Scandal and Overcoming the Past, similar movie but writers from two different countries. Overcoming the past, (kindly forgive me if I can't get their names right, i don't always watch). Renata who is a biologist was stood at the alter due to a viral video of her single party which she kissed a marketer who Alonso, a man who is supposed to marry despise. We also saw Mariluz 18years who had her first s£x with her boyfriend and because she fails to travel with the boy, the guy leaked their explicit time and Carmen, a woman whose husband, a womanizer whose act was leaked on internet by her daughter Danna. Now
when i say Mexicans storylines are same, this is what I mean. Renata obviously as a main character lost her job and after struggle, she gained a job at a renowned firm where her parents are cleaners. Now that Renata has gained her job part of her problem is solved. It has left with her problem of love since she almost had a perfect life, except for the fact that her parents are poor. To make the matter worse, Alonso the to be husband claimed ownership of her dream project. So in this movie what will happen is Renata either gaining that project or Aloso wouldn't be able to execute that project or she would work on a better one that would bring her name to the top as a great biologist. The ultimate problem the writer will solve is the issue of LOVE. The moment she will find that love I believe Alonso would lose all the work Renata did that he claimed and would fight Renata's new love in an attempt to rekindle his old love. If there would ever be a twist, it will be about Renata's personality, last time when I watched something prompted me that where she is now working, the man could be her biological father.

If you are watching, it is the love of Renata that you will waste all these months to find which we already know. What is there to watch?
But look at Viral Scandal, we saw Rica an architect being raped by a man. It turns out that the man is her cousin but not blood related. We saw her mother who is not the main character, but she was used as a means to explain why such a thing happened to Rica. She used to be a prostitute due to poverty, Troy came in her way to save her from the street after he married and she became his mistress. So in order words, people are using the past mistakes of the mother to deal with her illegitimate daughter, which in turn prone her to be s£xually assaulted.
Troy her father, also his Character is explained by the writer as a person who was adopted by the Ramones and was groomed for the position he is occupying so he had no choice than to give up on the love of his life, who is Kakay for a woman with great social status, Audrey to help him achieve his aim.
Now Jigs, the rapist, is shown to us as a counselor who was being groomed to follow the steps of Troy but his father's tendency of violence is in him, thus his act of raping Rica. He loved Rica but he doesn't know how to behave with a loved one just like his father Bobby.
Archie, the one who leaked the scandal video due to pains of Jigs raping his ailing girlfriend.
In this movie there are lots to uncover, why, because this the main character, Rica is not introduced by the writer as a person who lost a love but a father, herself esteem and zeal to be a great architect. So what is the problem, the rape, and this is the issue that power and influence has come in how will it be solved? so if i know Kyle will be with Rica, that is not the focus of the story. But Rica's character will be used to help Kyle to also find out the truth about the father who established Balai Arkitektura and how he d!ed.
Filipinos write for us to understand that nothing happens to us for no reason, I love the manner they interlaced their characters and how they carefully choose a lifestyle for a character. In a nutshell, their story lines is not written to solve the issue of LOVE which Mexicans do. They take an alarming issue and address, so love and the rest become secondary matter while Mexicans takes the issue of Love and the rest becomes secondary. They choose random characters and they don't teach anything except love, reason most of their endings are happy endings. Marriage and given birth, is this not one way? While Filipinos display high level of Intelligence when choosing or developing Characters. So if I say Filipinos write better than the Mexicans, I'm I mistaken? For writing technicality sake I will always choose Filipinos!

Copied from La vida lena group.


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